
Pressure Sensing Glow Plug Adapter

* AutoPSI Sensor integrated into the shell of a customer supplied glow plug (glow plug does not function)

* Guaranteed fit and correct volumetric displacement

* Guaranteed for 2 years or 200 million pressure cycles

* Ideally suited for in-vechicle multi-cylinder engine calibration and mapping

* Available in -TC version with 0.005%/°C thermal coefficient of sensitivity, matching water-cooled sensor performance

* Total accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis, thermal shock) as low as ±1%
Integrated signal conditioner

* Suitable for all glow plugs

* Low cost

The PSIglow pressure sensor adapter utilizes a customer supplied glow plug which is modified to accept an AutoPSI pressure sensor. The resulting package has identical displacement characteristics to the original plug and allows for direct pressure readings without any head modifications in Diesel engines. The PSIglow is available in the standard (-S), temperature compensated (-TC), and high-temperature electronics (-HT) variations of the AutoPSI sensor system and provides a low-cost, non-invasive solution for combustion pressure monitoring.

Pressure Range

Over Pressure
Natural Frequency
Frequency Range

Operating Temp
Sensor Housing
Interface Unit: AutoPSI-S
Temperature Coefficient of Sensitivity: AutoPSI-S

Non-Linearity & Hysteresis

OutPut Signal
Diagnostic Output Signal
Output Impedance
Interface Power Supply
0-200 bar (~3000 psi)

2x Pressure Range (standard)
>120 kHz
0.1 Hz to 5 kHz (standard)
1.0 Hz to 30 kHz (available)

-40 to 300°C (570°F)
-40 to 200°C (390°F)
-20 to 65°C (150°F)
-20 to 125°C (260°F)

±0.03% /°C
±0.005% /°C

±1% FSO combustion

0.5-5 V Analog
0-3.6 V Analog
250 Ohm
9-18 V DC, 85 mA
100 g
Sensor Operational Modee
Pressure Media
Fiber Optic Cable Length)
Minimum Bending Radius
Interface UnitIntegrated with Sensor
Guaranteed Lifetime:
Sealed Gauge
2 m (6.5 ft.) (standard)
5 mm (.188 in.)

200 Million Pressure Cycles
or 2 years